

CAGE : the story untold
Hey girl
What do you want ,
Choose between them
Golden cage or wooded one
I promise to provide
whatever you want inside

Appa...before I choose
Answer this one for me
How is it different from
A bird in golden cage and
A bird in wooden wooden

Oh my dear
World is not safe to roam

Appa....you are right
But bird got wings to fly

Oh my Barbie doll
Real land is different from Disneyland

Appa...what is the difference between
A lion in the cage and a bird in cage

Sweetie, think about it once,
Loin get it's prey without hunting
Bird get it's grain without searching
Does the cage matters here

Appa..I know you love me
You should know i love you
And I wish the wings of bird
to disappear or should I cut
So it can end the desire to fly high

© Mirai