

Ruined By Me
Childhood promises, whispered on the breeze,
A bond built on laughter, hearts at perfect ease.
A year we journeyed, a comfort so deep,
But unspoken feelings, a secret I'd keep.

Time marched on, a bittersweet parade,
I can never hold Your hand, a love serenade.
My heart, a dull ache, a wish pushed away,
Jealousy's whisper, a friendship astray.

Now the truth stands stark, a mirror held bright,
The love unrequited, a fading sunlight.
You were a dream, an illusion I craved,
A best friend lost, a connection enslaved.

Fear clouds my judgment, a truth hard to face,
The one-sided yearning, a love out of place.
This fantasy crumbles, a movie gone wrong,
The comfort I craved, forever unsung.

This bond we held dear, feels fractured and strained,
A bridge left unbuilt, a promise unclaimed.
Is this a nightmare, a wish turned to dust?
The ache feels so real, a love turned to rust.

The friendship we nurtured, may never return,
A chasm divides us, a future I yearn.
Can hearts be rewritten? Can trust be restored?
The silence is deafening, a future ignored.

Maybe it's madness, to cling to this dream,
But letting go hurts, a reality extreme.
So here's a goodbye, whispered with pain,
I loved you as a friend, but that love's in vain.

We walk separate paths, shadows in the night,
The love for a best friend, lost in fading light.
A story unwritten, a future unclear,
But the path must be chosen, the distance to bear.
© ͲᏀㅤJᴇғғʀɪɴㅤ☯︎