

Curtains— The True Saviours!
Though the scorching Sun may strike,
resulting in your plight,
But your fabric, strong and thick like
a shield of might,
Against the cold and rain, you hold
your ground,
Your beauty and strength, forever
remain profound,
The criminal malicious eyes, that lurk,
stalk and conspire sin,
Like a vigilant soldier, you keep them away and never let them in,
Saviors to the core, rather, our true
bosom friends,
In times of need, you always stand tall
and defend,

In twilight’s hush, when shadows
dance and play,
Oh, curtains, you serve as guardians
of the day,
So let us cherish , and pay you your
regard due,
As you protect us, through all kinds of weather, true,
And though the rain may pour, and
the Sun may shine,
But, O', curtains, you're always there,
to keep us safe and alive!
—Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal