

I am more you (than I am) myself
My dear I am more you (than I am) myself
and my heart it's no loger with me, I sent
it to you, now wherever you go (it follows)
your doting gaze tranquil like cuipd's spells
it sweeps across my existance, (I) see you in myself

My dearer I am more you (than I am) myself
I have seen no dark, no light if not filtured though thous't eyes
(and those) of mine they see only you, and sometimes
I remember (me as) you, looking at myself

My dearest I am more you (than I am) myself
my soul embarked itself on a journey to find itself,(found you)
it seems, I live but in your thoughts' heart and exist within you
where I seek myself, in every bit of yours

My true I am more you (than I am) myself
I have become more of you, than you are yourself

I miss you 👉👈🥀
© Sanskar Choudhary