

Life and Death
It's about life and death,
kill or be killed,
for the jar of blood
is already filled.

It's about hopes and dreams
which are bound to shatter,
unless you crush those
who don't really matter.

It's about stepping on someone
to get above, and to leave them
starving for the rest of their lives.
It's not about who comes first,
or second, or last, but
instead about who survives.

Not a race, but a stampede
where nobody knows the way to go,
there are open fields and empty houses,
and yet a rather crowded flow.

There's not enough for everyone,
or is that what they'd like to believe?
From broken hearts to hopeless nights,
nothing remains left to retrieve.

It's about life and death,
predators and preys.
A point determines
if you're rich or stray.

Not about houses in clouds, or candy lands,
or living a fantasy which adults comdemn.
It's about the sparkle in our childrens' eyes
who don't know what's coming for them.