

♥️ My Dedication to my Mom♥️

My dearest mom, your are my guiding light.
with love that shines so bright.
Your hugs are warm, your smile so sweet😊
In your arms i find my retreat.
You've always been there through thick and
thin. in your love i find my win.
Your words of wisdom your gentle touch.
You mean so much, i love you so much♥️

You are my rock my best friend.
with you my heart will never bend.
Thank you for all that you do.
I am so grateful for your love.
Mom you are the best, no one can compare.
In your love i find solace and care.♥️
So here's to you my amazing mom.
You're the bomb my number one.
I love you more than words can say♥️



© shanaeparry ❤️❤️