

Run Away
Sometimes I hurt so deep inside.
I can’t run away and I can’t hide.
Sometimes the tears come.
Even if I do my best to hold them in.
Sometimes I get angry.
I’m not really sure why.
All it does is make me wanna cry.

Sometimes life really fucking sucks.
I want to scream.
I want to throw things.
I want to run amuck.
But I don’t wanna get stuck.
Oh how I would love to get stuck.

Sometimes I daydream.
I’m a child again.
Running barefoot through the grass.
Feeling the wind whip through my hair.
Wanting to be a child without a care.

Sometimes I pretend to be okay even tho I’m not.
Most days I do.
I have to pretend a lot.
If you really took the time to look.
You would see it.
I’m easy to read.
Like a book.

Sometimes I wish.
This I’ll never say.
Wishes can be used against you.
That isn’t okay.