

Who are my friends?
Who really are my friends?
With whom I never have to pretend
Or those who are partners in crime
Or with whom I enjoy the talk and dine
Are those my friends?
Or those that make me feel special
Or those with whom I playfully wrestle
Are my friends the one who you trust
What do we call the one who turn us to dust?
Everyone has a different meaning of friendship
But true friend is always there in hardship
People will come and go
Friends will be there to say "yo!"
But only you have the decision to let then in
Dial your buddy and ask " how you have been?"
This lockdown Iconnected with a childhood friend whom I had lost connection 3 years ago
Trust me after our convo,i was literally jumping like a weirdo
Choose your friends wisely
With whom you feel secure and lively
There will be "bad" friends in the run
Trust me that lesson ain't fun
But at end person that matter are loved ones,your best buddy but most importantly YOU!
I am not a friend's lingo😅
But I do know they can't beat me at bingo😂
"Now go and enjoy your time with friends and loved ones!!"

© smile 101