

My Colourless World
17 Jan 2023 at 3:08PM

In my colourless world, I feel blue
All the bright colours are lost
I'm like a dull bee without its hive
In this monochromatic life, struggling to live

A world without colours, the scenery is so bland
In this muted palette, I suffer
Like a lonely bee without a swarm
In this colourless mediocrity, I long for a rainbow

Grey skies above, no colours to embrace
Lost in the world of lost colours
I'm drifting like a bee without flowers in sight
In this dull existence, searching for light

I'm wandering in the desolate world
No vibrant colours, only very faint ones
Like a lonely bee without a buzzing
What do I long for in this colourless world?

My world is devoid of colours, a solemn tone
Like a bee without a garden
In this drab existence, I silently lament
Waiting for a rainbow

© Ruth Hor