

It's okay if they never return, don't pine,
For apologies and empty words in vain.
Mourn the void left, but don't confine
Your worth to the presence of those arcane.

Perhaps the universe orchestrates our fate,
Bringing souls together, then tearing apart.
Lessons in beauty that can't be innate,
In heartbreaks and missed chances, a start.

For in losses, we find gratitude anew,
Cherishing the ones who choose to stay.
Through loving those who make us feel blue,
We learn to embrace those who light our way.

And maybe, just maybe, on this journey so dark,
We learn to seek the warmth, chase the light.
May joy and beauty in your life embark,
This holiday season and throughout the night.

Trust those missed connections, unanswered calls,
And opportunities that didn't quite align.
In the small signs, a message may enthrall,
Guiding you forward, from shadows to sunshine.

They were a chapter, not your entire tale,
Stop waiting for their footsteps at your door.
Laughter may lack their glory, yet prevail,
Embrace life again, love and laughter restore.

Grant yourself permission to release the past,
Unburdened, embrace freedom unbound.
Each day, let new memories be amassed,
Moving on takes bravery that resounds.

Rediscover yourself, the person you once knew,
Cherish the strength found through trials endured.
Yearn for a better life, bid guile adieu,
Healing is not betrayal, but a promise secured.


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