

Yellow Brick Road
You take my hand and I take yours, a burning sensation hangs around us
I’m a stranger to this journey but I walk it just for you,
I might have come here before but the road beneath me had vanished
This time you’ve given me a map, I pray the wind does not carry it away
I hope it does not let us wander far down the road, farther than one another.

Your bare skin soon begins to rest against my own
I dream of tracing cities on you, but I have yet to understand what you hide beneath your skin
The moonlight guides us with gentle lanterns
Its dark, I cannot read the map well but that I have already traced
As we, now translucent, walk down the road, you spread out your arm

The world rests on your palm and with meeting you, you give it to me
Awakening a kind of warmth I haven’t met before
My lips still carry the tenderness of your presence against them
Nectar drips from my heart, melting into yours, sewing our chests shut together
Your head fit for a crown that I now wear around my neck
Carrying your love over the blade of a dagger, one that shall not move.

© zeinaelnady