

Half a Loaf
Something is better than nothing, even if it is less than what you’ve wanted.
The same as half a loaf is better than no bread, this is often said.
Therefore in the shadows of longing, where desires are haunted,
You can still find solace in the crumbs, if by hunger led.
Because during scarcity, that's usually when gratitude is planted,
And from every loss, there's often a gain as well.
Cause in the depths of lack, seeds of resilience are granted,
Hence something is always better than nothing, even if it is less than what's wanted!!
For even in the smallest gifts, blessings and love are implanted,
So appreciate what little life has granted,
Because there are many on the sideline, who with yarns to happily trade places!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo