

The Path
Watching the light being released,
Of once I took and once at ease;
Watching the bird that perches,
In the lonely tree of its absence.
The path once I took seems troubled;
and the path was like mine, overwrought,
but this path never dared to conquer—
but as a boy, no, a man... I know I'm here.

But I still ponder from time to time,
What if this path will break apart?
Like those people, the way they broke my heart—
and leave me empty spaces, and shattered behind.
And from time to time I still wonder...
What if this path of mine never conquers?
Will I still continue to walk away?
like in the sea, I'm lost, yet I'm in the array.

I don't want to be defeated by them;
I wanna stand and still of who I became—
I don't want my path will turn into a chasm;
I want to overflow it with enthusiasm.
As I stand here— watching the light being released,
I feel a surge of determination within me, increased.
No longer will I let the troubled path define my fate,
For I have discovered to rise above the sheer weight.

© G. E.G. Martinez

#poem #poetrycommunity #writcopoem #selfhelp #inspirational