

Glimpses of the Heart

Alone today I was,
Nothing comming to my mind,
Sat there staring upon, into the sky

Last year was filled,
With good and bad,
But I have to carry on, leaving the memories of the past

Met my first love,
Beneath the cherry trees,
Blossoms falling, warmth exchange

Met new friends,
Laughter echoing in crowded cafes,
Expresso warmth and shared secrets

Friends to lovers,
Dacing in the rainy streets,
Each drop falling spreading joy to our hearts

And lovers to friends,
Autum leaves falling like our fading romance,
Crispy air holding memories of our gentle goodbyes,
Leaving echos of what we once were

Every day was filled with memories,
That I carry up to this day

Now alone, yet not lonely,
Silent moments, filling self discovery,
Echos of past, being my guiding stars

Cherry blossoms may have faded away,
But their essens lingers, brightening today,
In crowded cafes, and autums embrace,
I find new beginnings to chase

Old book's page turns, finishing old tales,
Yet more chapters await, new moments to greet,
Every smile, every tear, every person in my way,
They sculpted a journey, a meaningful array

© H.L Sanuthmee

#WritcoCommunity #poem #peotry #nostalgia
#Love&love #writcopoem #heartache #Happiness #memories