

What does the nature say about it?
If a stream's contaminated, does it ban a river to flow through it and make it well again? or if a tree's wounded can't the rain pour heavily and wash it clean?

Why then do they decide that they won't get in a room with the man on the hill whom his legs were amputated,

And why do they despise the dark old lady that stays in the south who can't say "Good morning son!" because she's unable.

Those are like us, we live together in a small world, just that they don't have all the privilege just like everyone. yes, everyone on earth.

I know I can see but what I can't do is to speak in public, those teeth won't allow me because they are disgusting. And of course John can stand on his feet, but what he can't do is to sing, that voice of his ain't no different with that of a monster.

Then what difference has we with the deaf man,who only can't hear but can see?
© Demerye