

The Pirouette of The Midnight Sky
Encased in the dystopia of the years,
She flees like a whimsical breeze.
Succumbs to her hiraeth,
The yearning of her past,
Enslaved by memories.

Atop the hill,
In the bleakness of the wind,
Her eyes now contain wanderlust.
For the vista is greeted by her gaze
Over and over as time unfolds.

The Moon leads her mind into oblivion,
While the stars receive her velleities.
Remembrance fills her labyrinthine mind
As she sees her forlorn dreams.

Once again, she finds herself
At the foyer of beauty.
As her demons lie in barbed chains
The only peace her silhouette seeks -
The pirouette in the midnight sky,
Where The Moon and stars intertwine.

© Netra.