

kinda feelin like my selfa steem is fastly inproving an raising. Just like this magnificint world we live on itself is both a circiling global miricall of a present and a superhero. you knw what i mean i mean if superheros could be a planet its just a magnisfant planet circlying like a globe an im its new up comin rap naturlist side kick. lovin life more an more eatch time i lyrically write it. in my mind im a natural at rap matatics an poem fantastics u can call me
a rap sycic an naturalist. im lovin it this is my life an im pround of it and my soul is made up of fuel becoming what it is to me the strongest musical tool that could ever really be formed i can thank of to many lyrics to even be stored like the fires i used to start as a kid i like to lite it my whole body my soul an my spirit smiles within eatch time i pick up the micorhone or jot down these lyirical notes an let this music from witch comes from my heart flows i choose to catch any rap music oppurtunity i get an never let it go