

I see why you feel the the pressure of claustrophobia
everybody needs room to breathe but the pressure they put on us we can't get enough air
when we call our resources for help they turn against us for stripes under their belt
they don't listen to any of our problems trying to bring a solutions
as they're trying to figure out who did what the most in the worst way to try to catch a slipping from Thursday to Thursday or kick the crutch we got out from under us as we were still trying to heal from the last time they did what they do to us
they remember my face as just another one they talk about on coffee breaks together at the median speed Dialing ticking speeders in middle of the streets and in the back of reverse mirrors either way it's all of em I'm trying to conjure stories and listening in on tap phones thinking that you did some dirt that they can pin you with well listen closely I ain't the one except for this middle finger I have waving as I introduce myself and give you my feelings about how the system is that you work for and the mission that they place you on the jobs you do and to fix it has on every family you don't keep us safe around our parts of town you live in lavish up there down here we get watch plot it on hunted gun down dog sick owners court cases made us lose our job man steady spiraling down out of control but you just worried about this little bit of weed that I had all I was trying to do was make it home trying to do one for the better but oh no here they go they calling me a criminal I've been systematically profiled as the bad guy who doesn't have enough to pay his bills at the end of the day doing what he has to to survive if he wants to at all or get eaten alive these are what you left us as you wrongly judges throw us up in cages is right where you want us the numbers you get paid compared to us for our freedom for our struggles in the streets where we're barely eaten is so horrific when we get to talking about who's done what and all the crimes is really been committed I want burn the whole system of modern-day slavery down to the ground with all of you in it to try to make rules to conserve your bank accounts but what accounts for the lives that been lost in the damage that's been done to our minds you white wash the true effects of the drugs that you put us on you write a prescription and leave us gone f***** up chemically imbalanced now they're becoming abusive to the drugs taking on habit but it's something that you already know