

Take the stage, turn the page as I speak with you
Rehearse these lines 'til they start feeling true
Between you and me life could've been a Technicolored dream
But you flipped the script then broke character
Things are never quite as they seem
A friend in need was a stranger who deceived
Embodying the role of a disparager
No method to your madness or so I believed
I built you up, but you let me down
You're always in sight, but never around
It's only now that I come to find
You're not who I met inside this theater of the mind

You're not who I thought you were
You're not who I thought you were
You're not bad, you're much worse
You're not who I thought you were
You're not who I thought you were
You're no blessing just a curse

Lacking introspection, no projection when speaking with you
This is getting old, but what else is new?
I'll play my role by taking back control
As you cower behind your paper-thin walls
You'll realize this mistake when you're alone
One-sided dialogue left me feeling slighted
Bow out now as the curtain falls
I've had enough time to think and it's decided
I won't pick you up when you're down
I'll always be in sight, but never around
It's only now that I come to find
That we've never met outside this theater of the mind

You're not who I thought you were
You're not who I thought you were
You're not bad, you're much worse
You're not who I thought you were
You're not who I thought you were
You're no blessing just a curse

© Obsidian_Asylum