

The night sky's canvas, a glow with lights,
Each one a vision beyond our sight.
Each star a wonder, to behold with delight,
Illuminating darkness, with purest light.
But those who gaze the star above,
Will see more than just a world of love,
Can see more than just a single dove,
A multitude of stories, to unravel an prove.
The shape in the sky, a mystic sphere,
So many stories, told so near.
A tapestry of tales, of dreams and fear,
Stories from the past, that linger here.
The starry patterns, stories of yore,
Tales that hold a place , from days of yore.
A never-ending litany, evermore,
A saga endless, told evermore.
Orion the fearless archer, bold,
A warrior of legend, stories told.
Cassiopeia, frigid and bold,
A monarch stern, her tales retold.
Cygnus, the graceful swan, unfold,
A legend of grace, it's story told.

© Ebenezer