

Moonlit Rain
Has it not been a day or two,
since the last time I saw your eyes
lighten under the blue sky?

Has it not been a week or two,
since the moment I heard your name
hastily whispered
into these ears of mine?

Son of the Moon
Have I not been at the slightest
a bit of the Sun?
Or have the stars been holding in
the sweet twittering
of laughter?

One does not fly like the wind
When owls scurry
to the deep ends of the dark
No, dear..
One does not

One does not merrily twirl like the dust
When the light of rain hazily
Gaze upon the soul
of mortal men

No, dear..
One does not

Now do tell, Son of the Moon
What lies in your moonlit heart
For I am but a lone star
Waiting for rain

And do tell me as well, Son of the Moon
Of what lies in this dying heart of mine
And what remains

Has it not been a minute or two,
when your smile
enlightened this darkened soul of mine?

Has it not been a second,
since I uttered your name,

Do tell..

© altairsolaris