

Deep Truths & The String of Demons
You can’t trust anyone it would seem not even those that claim to care about me the last 5 years I have lost everything so very very very dear to me

Demon friend #1 and Demon Boyfriend #1
A friend and boyfriend who once stood disguised as friends to me plotted premeditated crimes against me only were there to betray me and to gain something from me. While you screw each other under my nose, because she’s a slut and so are you, so we can plot to hurt you, rob your house, stalk you for 5 years, to steal your children, rob iPhones, and computers to keep track of you, to hack you, use your identity, commit fraud in your name, steal from you, beat the shit out of you repeatedly and frame you anything we can do to bring betrayal, deception, lies, and pain


Demon friend #2
Hey friend your on the streets let me get a loan on a house lie to you about the money that I spent and make it seem like it was way more than it was, and you can just pay it off for me while I lie to you and tell you were co owners on this house that you’ve invested in, while I tell you that your safe with me and that is your home and nobody can take it from you, hindsight is 20/20 when you make a deal with a snaky ass bitch who was deceiving you the entire time even though you’ll get no credit for two years while your just building my credit up for me, I’ll lie to your face, and sneak around like a snake, I’ll cost you everything and lie to everyone around me and I’ll manipulate to try and get my way while I sit and take take take take take, when I’m done taking from you and using you to build up my credit and my name I’ll throw you out on the streets at 5 months pregnant and take everything that you have worked to gain over and over again. When you are at your lowest because of you trusting me and listening to my horribly bad deceptive advice to just help me I’ll throw you out while your pregnant to live under a bridge and take the house you’ve been paying off in my name. I’m such a great fucking friend clap for me yay!


3. Demon friend #3
Hey friend did you call me I’m so sorry your not important enough for me to answer you, your just invisible to me, were you crying did you need a shoulder to lean on oh well fuck you, your just weak and not important enough to me to answer you as your world crumbles around you and you just don’t know what to do, your just to fucking unimportant for me to fucking answer you.

There’s more demons to name I just don’t have the energy to name what damage they have done at the end of the day

It’s not okay, it will never be okay, there is nothing you can say that would make it better after the betrayal at the end of the day. Mark my words when I say it’s not okay, it will never be okay no amount of sorry would ever make me trust you again.
Mark my words when I say you will not be around when abundance comes my way because of your deception at the end of the day. I will never allow you around me again trust and believe what I say. I would never do another this way. I don’t know why they thought they could do it to me KARMAS a bitch it will always repay. I won’t have to do a thing at the end of the day as I walk away. KARMA always does it thing and handles you for me, especially repays for those that have an innocent heart and soul with the deceptive road they paved. I ask myself this question at the end of the day who in the fuck do you think you are to just constantly abuse me in whatever way you think you can do me. The thing that hurts the most and brings hot tears down my face is seeing that I trusted you and cared for you but you have showed me it is not the same and now because I see you for a snake I have to break because I have to let go of you and know that I can never again trust you. There is such a thing as person taking their control games to far with another’s life and causing way to much struggle and strife. This is where I draw the knife and sever your nastiness from my life. I look around me and I see nothing I have nobody, I guess I can say even though it hurts me this is God wiping me clean from those who only sought to hurt me and all I can do is try and fight for the roof over my head long enough to try and sue the snake for the money they took deceptively from me so I am not living on the streets when I get my money from you that you owe me then I will leave and the truer than true friend that you had; you lost me. No amount of sorry will ever make it okay.

© @SimpleMe