

A Sirens Song
heard her call
in the dead of night.
It came from a distance towards the sea.
Her song was deafening, but yet angelic, and sweet.
Night after night I heard her song.
But the more I ignored it, the more intrigued I became.
I couldn’t help but
think I was going mad.
Until finally one night I couldn’t ignore her call.
She lured me in with her song.
As I stepped onto the shore of the beach that became my demise, I felt compelled to swim as far as I could into the deep blue sea.
Then her song suddenly
stopped, and so did I.
That’s when I finally saw her uncovered from the mist, she was part woman, part sea creature, she was a siren.
And then suddenly
everything went dark.
And that’s when I departed
from this life

© AliceInWonderland