


You know what
I wish for
Is black people
Should put their mighty foot
Down and kicked the invaders’
Ass out of their homelands….

After they keep murderin
Us….after they keep doin
The horrible things…they should
Put bad ass kids back to their caves
Or their countries..

Those wicked people killed
A black woman for rejectin a
Chinese man and these Africans
Still let him stay in their country….

That backbone is lost,
Can’t find it anywhere..
I don’t like sayin my people
Is weak, but we have a lot of mental
Slavery floatin around like shitty bubbles…
I swear it’s been grained, deeply grained
And don’t put god in it….it’s ok not to forgive…..
It’s ok not to give our enemies a hug
Especially when we’re standin on a chessboard…
Sometimes violence is the answer…..

We’re sick in the head….
We truly are….
And some of us or most of us
Isn’t taught about racism
Cos serious topics ain’t allowed to discuss
In some household….
We’re taught that skin color doesn’t matter..
Taught to be colorblind
When we’re at war….

I mean nobody wants to fight back
They give colonizers a pass…
It’s the sickness that we have
And don’t recognize

It’s unfortunate
To witness black people
Will always fall in this dangerous trap
Of kindness to other races…
I’m sure some will invite a cop
Or a doctor that kills their loved ones
To the cookout…it could happen
For real cos look at how so damaging
Our minds are….we’re the most forgivin
People on the planet and sadly

We can never go anywhere….forgive our
Bullies keep our self disrespect more stronger
There’s no discipline In this…no reality check
It’s always a Christian thing to do is to forgive
When someone keeps abusin others….

I’m just sayin like it is….

Black people need to get violent
Need to fight back
Stop being weak
Stop being a coward
Stop forgivin stop being so soft
Towards the colonizers….


But too many of us won’t…

It’s sad
💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 5-23-24
© Kai C..