

Shadows' Symphony: Night's Emotive Melody

In the tranquil twilight's tender touch,
Moonlight murmurs, melancholy much.
Silent shadows sway, sorrow's song,
Whispers woven, wistful and strong.
Darkness dances, deep and demure,
Echoes of empathy endure.
Stars shimmer, sadness softly sighs,
Emotions entwine 'neath night's guise.
Gentle gloaming, grief's gentle glide,
Infinite ink, indigo-eyed.
Night's nuances, nebulous and near,
Emotions envelop, ever sincere.
Midnight musings, memories mourn,
Nurturing nightfall, never torn.
In the heart's hush, hope's humble gleam,
Nighttime's nest, a nurturing dream.

© Inaya

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