

You just passed me a pretty glance,
And I fooled myself by your ethernal gaze,
Your eyes, like sapphires, sparkling with deceit
Made my heart dance in your hands

Becoming friends and entering my life,
Fooled me with your pretty little lies,
Maybe your friends had your back,
But I, a fool, played this game too soon

Texting all night long,
Sharing secrets till dawn,
Whispering and glowing, tenderly,
Made me a captive to your artifice

With a premature proposal, I dishonored my worth,
While you remained indifferent, callous in your mirth,
I poured out my heart, while you stood unaware,
I cared deeply, my feelings laid bare.

Abandoning me,
You vanished,
Left me weeping in solitude,
Content with your decision's tone

Accepeting your farewell,
Standing strong falling apart,
Unaware, like a narrsacist's work of art,
Vanished, without a clue

But now confide your companions,
Yearning for my presence, despite the damage done,
Words untrue, uttered by your venomous maw
When i rebuilt myself, from a million rue

Perhaps you beleive I'm incapable of such art,
To toy with your heart, tearing apart,
But i chose a different path,
For i know frist hand the pain of being ensnared
© H.L Sanuthmee

#pain #sad #heartbroken #poem