

The Mental & The Murderer
I had kept my heart's asylum
Closed for many years,
Holding a leash on my feelings.
And I thought I'd managed those psychos
well enough,
Sedating some and imprisoning some others,
Until you appeared.
To break my heart and its seal,
Make it beat again, make me feel,
And let all those emotions run rampant outside.
Those barbed wires I'd set up to protect my heart
Are now all gone,
I'm back to the point start.
Why do I feel like a naive little girl in love?
Why won't this damn love let me grow up?
Why did I become a dandelion
and get blown away by you?
Was I not a rose with long thorns
until a little while ago?
I've been confessed sweet nothings
many times so far,
How come I chose to believe yours? How bizarre!
It feels like you put me under a cursed spell,
You were a dark arts master but I couldn't tell,
And you made the true me reveal
Herself to you.
I can't even describe how you made me feel,
Although I'm sure you knew.
I knew too,
I knew
What I was doing was the wrongest thing to do,
Still somehow,
It felt right doing it with you.
I was on the brink of risking it all,
Only one step away from my eternal fall,
Oh wait, I'm already fallen,
I'm raining through my cold fall,
Yearning for the warmth of your Summer.
You became my genuine smile,
But of course only for the shortest while,
Then turned into the reason behind all my tears,
And resurrected all of my dead fears.
Before you, I was a lake,
I couldn't reach the ocean, yes
At least I had clear emotions, I guess.
Now what?!
You took away the remaining
little waves and ripples of mine,
And turned me into a still mire;
Neither bright, Nor clear
Only dark and murky
With all of these dead dreams.
Was your little game worth it?
Worth all the wishes you killed?
I know if you were to come back,
Again I'd willingly walk into your trap.
Yes, I guess I'm really a psychopath,
But still better
Than being a serial killer,
Yes I mean you!
You who killed my hopes to the last one
And left me with none.
Now, that I think about it,
We were quite a match for each other,
The mental and the murderer.

© DawnS.M