

Why they care dead one
Someone has passed away,
Agony for the family's fate,
But what I never understand is why everyone tries to remember the one who is now no more, much more than when he or she was alive,
Why do they miss them so much when they are gone??
Why do they miss the voice of that person who is dead??
Why do they only remember the good things about that person who has died??
They always made fun of that person when he or she was alive,
But after his or her death,
everyone is shocked.
Everyone feels regret after the person's death, They cry for him or her,
they offer condolences,
But why didn't they do that when the person was alive?
Instead of caring,
they made fun of that person,
And now they are all in a sorrow,
It's a gift from God,
Everyone has to go,
everyone has to retire,
It's a thought of junior,
Why don't we treat people in a good way,
So that we can never feel regret,
So that our minds never harbor hatred
. We don't know about the future,
The person we are talking to
may retire soon!
© the juniors