

I'm the World...

My heart is like a glass
That you threw on the wall
falls and breaks...
No hand,noWord or even sorry
Can take be back to its original state...

My mind is like undiluted juice
Mix it with water to dilute it
But remember
No hand and no machine
Can separate those two...

My love is like stars and the moon
That shine at night to light the world
But disappears when the sunrise...
Just to remind you that
I'll there when no one is there to light your world...

My feelings are like the sea
Remember that every dirty river
Flows towards the sea
Every dirtiness get washed away
That's why you never see the sea dirty...

My eyes are like clouds in the sky
Whenever they feel heavy
They let it rain....
It might be the heavy rain Or light rain...
But remember that the heavy rain causes damages

Sanele S Ntuli
© Sanele S Ntuli