

Hello Bennie 👋
"Hello Bennie"
I'm writing to say my final words but never a goodbye
I'm writing to support you never to discredit you.

I like the fact that you are a unique girl with a different profile from others
I like the fact that you are strong willed and well rooted in faith.

But maybe that's all I was born to do
To like you but never to love you
Maybe that's why I failed, maybe that's why I didn't appeal you much.

But I pray for you, today, tomorrow and always to be better
And may you keep shining in beauty, in zeal and in your firm faith.

And I pray whenever you feel is the right time and the right person for you
May it truly be the right time and the right one for you.

May it be someone that loves and cares for you, someone who
helps you uphold your faith and strong willed spirit
Aboveall, someone who understand the importance of unity.

For you really work hard on yourself to be the best. Therefore you deserve nothing but the best. So hold high the banner of your dignity. For you are a queen awaiting her crown 👑

© Dum Simon Delox