

Happy Buddha Purnima
In the gentle glow of the full moon's light,
On this sacred day, our hearts unite,
Buddha's wisdom shines pure and bright.
In reverence for the guiding light.

With compassion vast as the ocean deep,
Silent whispers in the breeze we hear,
Buddha's teachings in our souls we keep.
Guiding us through doubt and fear.

In each breath, in each mindful step,
The path to peace, the path we accept.
Buddha's love, a beacon ever true,
In our hearts, may it renew.

On this blessed Purnima night,
In gratitude, we bow in delight.
To the awakened one, pure and serene,
In our souls, your presence keen.

Happy Buddha Purnima to all,
In the light of enlightenment's grace,
May compassion and joy never fall.
We find our truest selves embrace.
