

On my bended knees in the sand
I see my spirit ascend as you welcome me into your hands
I asked, please hear my cry, the world is so vial
Completely full of darkness and always daily trials

You looked upon me, as I felt your eliminating light
It was your love and grace which embraced me so tight
I plead Lord, must I return to that earth
I believe you knew me, even before my birth

Save me from the wickedness which preys upon me each day
I am even attacked, as I kneel to pray
Your words were so powerful and spoken like none heard
I shall return to honor your will, I plead to be upon your herd

Grant me LORD, the wisdom and strength to endure
Satan places all his schemes, seeking to devour and lure
Protect me with the Armor of God
I will defeat darkness, and galantly knod
To my KING of the most High
Grant me passage through heavens gate, as I repent never asking why

As I descend from my visit with you, I was returned to earth, now I understand
Suddenly the thought of the footprints missing in the sand
I trust and believe, those were the times you carried me through
Forgive me Lord, I am your servant and pray to be true

Power and GLORY is yours, victory will be won
I will quest for my journey as your will to be done
I remain your humble servant from here on in
Equipt me with the power to resist from within

There in the sky, I will await your arrival
Praying each day, to praise you and be amongst the survival
You are truly the King of all Kings
On your return, cleanse will become of all things!!!


© rainbowprince