

Fallen Angel
White feather wings soaked in black clay
Heavy roses crawling from my eyes,
black lace veil covering my catastrophe,
holding last rites for another portion of my shattered soul.
Nightfall envelops my quiet tears.
Love spilled in our glass castle,
Lost of faith splashing against me,
but no one there to paint my canvas
Up the creek without a paddle.
I let my mourning spirit drown me,
while the devil weaves my grieve together.
Shame shredded in my delicate skin,
red wine pours its blood on me
begging me to drink.
The water rescue me,
as the risen flame spread through my evergreens.
Restless evening on empty tissue cartons,
the sandbags awaken the sweet memories of the love we had.
How I would beseech God to recast the stars
But still, I ended up drowning in my pain.

picture from Pinterest