

To say "I love you" without a Word
The one who truly loves you,
May not say it, it's true 😊
But will surely show it,
With a gaze filled with stars' glow ✨
With a smile so bright, filled with hope 😊
Their silent actions will speak for them,
Their wordless gestures will testify for them 😊

In each glance, a promise is made,
A love sincere, without any shade 😊
Every smile, a ray of hope,
For you, my dear, they're willing to cope 😊

Words can sometimes deceive,
But actions can't lie, you can believe 😊
In every deed, they show their love,
A love so pure, no ulterior motive thereof 😊

So never doubt their affection,
For they offer it with sincerity and passion 😊
In every gaze, every smile,
They say "I love you" without a word, in style 😊
© Universalconsciousness963