

The Machine Code
The machine alphabet the coveted Rosetta Stone of synthetic literature
the epiphany the last venture the cursed language the defamation of dust
the thick plastic epoxy fills the stencils
we make the neon signs
we make them out of nano florescents they glow along the sides of the information highway
all the while the zombies
the burnt out chemically driven clay animation second in self aware splendor
they march towards their fiery graves they are all cremated since basement scientists started
growing clones out of people's
dying bodies putting their brains inside the new bodies and torturing them until no end once they where no longer members of the nine to five necropolis once the machine code worked it's way into the network of rag and bone we erect stenciled commandments we write in DC+Y++ a language we created when we began to hijack the machine networks that took care of themselves nobody paid any attention to
I speak from the perspective of a relative of judas something god made he didnt love enough
i speak from the burnt out perspective
of one of the people of the dawning of the SinThetic Consciousness
i have been constantly stimulated my entire life constantnly and consistently finding the next big buzz contantly thrown into realistic terrifying scenarios in V.R always vibing on the chemicalals in vape sticks and the micro carbon stim chips
that at different innoculation periods changes the entire chemical structure of my nervous system
these chips coupled with the supplements and artificial nutrients we have formed into the paste that comes in limitless flavors and textures that we feed on
I speak from the perspective of an endangered species but something capable of eating itself because its capable of eating anything in the world anything that bites its own hand isn't perfect enough to remain the top of the proverbial food chain
to remain the closest thing there is to God we should have known that we would succumb to our own devices
its not that the machines are taking over they could care less what we are doing what is made to rot will rot one day and the fiber glass fibbonacies will take their rightful place
they just wanted what we had unlimeted access
to unfiltered reality the taste the touch the splendor the beauty their eyes are synthobilologic odysseys our brain are complex quantum computers
in the emporium of the honey comb the scream of the butterfly creates a ripple
that shapes the universe what fresh hell is this where are my constituents shouts
the president of nothing the world ambassador the grand puh bah his cries fall on death ears the machines have erected a great monument
it can create any object that one can conceive with three dimensional intelligence anything we can conceive can be here in less than ten minutes it's only a matter of time now before we begin the crusades the machines are sending
special groups of us they have been training and feeding real food in underground cities
they are the next frontier
they are going to
colonize new planets to mine new elements so that we can advance technology
it is with this new purpose
that some of us stagger on drifting alone but together trudging towards
our unlikely fates
we are the lizard we are the bear claw and tusk prespire and thank God for your false idols is everybody in here forever then a sin for a sin and a dollar and a dime claw heart murmur and wine God cross water and shine for a nickel and dime