

sometimes sorry can't mend the heartbreak
Sometimes sorry can't mend the heartbreak, that's the kind of mistake I regret terribly of an unfortunate knocking on your door. I thought you would be ok, when I ask for stay in your place, but I'm ashamed to receive an unwelcome move from you, I don't need your apologies when your action are too poor, this is my last and final, don't you worry I will not walk up to your place again, you had say so much in text but you were muted when I was near, you made me feel so heavy regret even I could feel the fault on me. I would never mind the lengthy message you threw at me after I asked why? This is what I can expect from a person like you. Don't explain to me thoroughly When you don't even know me yet.

Accept the mistake you made, don't beat around the bush. I accepted the fault of not Being casual and open minded, but Have you ever thought about what made me to feel awkward and uncomfortable?
You put me into such a clumsy situation and you wonder why.
Alas, You make me feel so fucking uncomfortable there is nothing I can do other than sit in the silent room and be silence and adapting to fit in until the next morning. I'm Holding a curious question in my heart, what about you, what about you, were you being friendly and socialising when I was in your place, wasn't this your place? you need to be honest, when you aren't sure, you should say it honestly, I wouldn't mind if your answer is a big No, because brutal honesty is better than faking nice. I don't deserve it when you treat me like I'm the one making the mistake. Noone has made me feel terrible, unlike you.

I can't read you, you're too unpredictable, Always remember my action will always responded on how other treated with me, especially when I'm in other place, Don't say me how to treated with guest , when you fail to serve a poor service, pay attention so close what your moral culture taught you. Give yourself a great lesson of how to socialise with guests other than making them feel awkward, just Because you want to protect your dignity, don't let me know of how your culture taught you to be nice with guests. I have seen Your actions, your words can't beat your actions. Do you think you won by Hitting lengthy messages, to be honest you lose by serving poor service.

I hate feeling like this,
I thought you would be the same as before, I wasn't expecting you would deliver a deep wound, I should have known it at first the moment I called you and you didn't pick up the call, maybe you did it knowingly not to pick up.

It was Nice to meet you in the middle of summer, but our friendship never lasted, fortunately the best I can say, you were good in your place. Unfortunately the least I can say is, I hope I never see you again.

© Sarita jeinao