

Altruistic - A tribute to My Father
MY 100th POST dedicated to Altruistic Fathers


The pain, the agony, the trauma
that the world gives me,
The great burden of responsibilities
is squeezed and gisted in these
drops of sweat.

I don't cry, you won't find
tears dried on my face,
Infact, I am elated to create
an ocean of happiness for you.

I just want you to see me when
I shed these drops of sweat,
I want you to see them as pearls
dropped into the ocean of happiness..

- A Father


Note - This poem is a Tribute to Our Fathers who work day and night for our happiness. Doing the same thing everyday,listening to Boss, hustling to provide everything to the family is not a easy job.
The least I could do for my Father is to dedicate my 100th post to him so that he knows that I care for him...
#altruistic #father

© Frozen Words