

God's Creation: The Male And The Female

In a world of diverse hues and shades,
Where understanding often fades,
Two genders stand, distinct and true,
A timeless essence, tried and few.

Man and woman, they coexist,
Each with a role, a purpose, kissed,
By nature's hand, they dance in grace,
Bound together in life's embrace.

Masculine strength, a steadfast guide,
Feminine touch, love's tender stride,
Complementary forces, they entwine,
A tapestry woven, divine design.

Let not the shadows cast their doubt,
For truth shines bright, without a route,
Two genders, harmonious and clear,
In unity, they draw near.

Respect the spectrum, let hearts be kind,
Embrace the beauty of each mind,
For in this world, so rich and grand,
Two genders walk, hand in hand
© Mohammed yusuf