

Eternal Soulmates
In the tapestry of fate, our threads entwined,
Two souls destined to be forever aligned,
Through the twists and turns of life's grand art,
We found each other, never to part.

In the dance of destiny, we discovered a bond,
A connection so deep, a love so fond,
Like two stars in the night sky, shining bright,
Guiding each other through the darkest night.

No obstacle too great, no challenge too steep,
Could ever hinder the love we keep,
For in each other's eyes, we found our home,
A sanctuary where our hearts freely roam.

Hand in hand, we'll brave the storms that may come,
Together we'll conquer, united as one,
For in the tapestry of fate, our love will reign,
Soulmates bound by an unbreakable chain.

So fear not the trials that lie ahead,
For with you by my side, I have no dread,
Our love will triumph, against all odds,
As we walk together, blessed by the gods.
© Boris Chianimbong