


There is
A beast within me
Held back by an angel
That owns my heart
Managed by
The Madman
That resides
Inside my mind
A triadic dualism
How incongruous
Inconsistencies now
Running amuck
Multiple layers
Of my subconsciousness
Held in a cryogenic state
Dead ahead
The tidal effect
The event horizon
Dawning ever closer
How to stop this falling
And calm the battleground
At war with my idiosyncrasies
Pulled in every direction
Who’s side am I on
The Yin or the Yang
Searching for a euphony
One that I can see
A quest to harmonise
Resetting my balance
And avoid a cacophony
The beast he is resisting
No matter the Angel’s song
The Joker playing both sides
An ego playing its card
Perpetual war
It pleases him
Narcissistical tendencies
Fuel for the gas lights
Its feeding time
The beast
Only wishing to lay his head
In the Arms of an Angel
He ululates
Make the sadness go away
Off the menu
Destined to repeat
The same old story
The Man Who Laughs
His nemesis

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™

© All Rights Reserved