

Life (Reality)
Life is not something that starts
when you are born and ends when
you die. birth and death is a
concept it's not life.

Life is before existence like
light before shadow. That is the
causeless cause of the
concept of I.

Life is like the sun that continues
to shine Rising and setting is the
vision of the seer but it's not a
change in consciousness.

Change is creation.
Creation is like a cloud and ends
as it began.

Water becomes cloud in the
end it becomes water again.
What is not me is not me,
I am what is without

When the clouds are removed,
the light appears, and when the
cloud of the self is removed,
consciousness is known to
be the only reality.

Reality has no causes and
meanings because reality is
unwavering. Words can express
unreality but not reality.

life is reality.