

Enlaçant la Rêverie du Crépuscule
In the tender grasp
of twilight's embrace,
she, ethereal as the evening's bride,
arrives, her presence a whispered sigh,
within the sacred sanctuary
of my mind's refuge,
she kindles the flames of dreams,
invisible hands, gently guiding,
in moments heavy
with the weight of existence,
eyes brimming with the unshed sorrows of the soul,
in fleeting whispers,
love's tender caress brushes past,
yet remains veiled
in the shadows of uncertainty.
where hearts ache
in their solitude,
where the threads of
lifetimes unravel,
amidst the tangled
labyrinth of confusion,
our minds stand
as silent adversaries,
bearing the unbearable
burden of our own pain,
enduring, each in our solitary confinement.
within the hallowed halls
of introspection,
the radiant glow of
dreams illuminates,
in the distant embrace
of twilight's embrace,
she, as ethereal as the evening's bride,
arrives, a silent witness to our deepest emotions.
