

#unrequited love
Here's a poem for your prom theme, "#UnrequitedLove":

In shadows cast, a love unseen,
A heart that longs, but remains unseen.
Whispers lost upon the wind,
A tale of love that never begins.

Eyes that search, but never find,
A love that's left behind.
Aching hearts, forever yearning,
For a love that's never returning.

Unspoken words, a silent plea,
To feel a love that cannot be.
A dance of hearts, out of sync,
In the depths of unrequited love, we sink.

But in this darkness, a beauty lies,
A bittersweet love that never dies.
For in the pain, we find our strength,
And learn to love, despite the length.

So let us dance, in this masquerade,
Embracing love, in every shade.
For even in unrequited love's embrace,
We find solace, in its grace.