

In the blanket of night, where stars unite
The moon shines alone, a solitary light
Surrounded by clouds, reaching out
But in its solitude, there's a silent shout

Crying tears that blend with the rain
Drenching its gown in sorrow and pain
Yet the moon stands strong, in its own grace
A symbol of beauty in a lonely embrace

The stars may twinkle, a dazzling array
The clouds may drift, but the moon stays
Alone in its journey through the sky
A reminder that it's okay to fly high

In the depths of darkness, the moon finds peace
In its quiet moments, where sorrows cease
Embracing solitude, a powerful force
Guiding us through life's turbulent course

So let the moon's light touch your soul
In moments of loneliness, you're whole
For in the darkest of nights, you'll see
The beauty of being you, wild and free

Embrace the solitude, let your heart sing
In the symphony of life, let your voice ring
Just like the moon, shining bright
In the vast expanse of the night
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