

Fake Screams from False Dreams
Stoned, surrounded by a sea of sorrow, an island of hope coming off like there's no tomorrow, no spark of excitement no glimmer of bliss, just an ocean of emotion with no map or compass, alone and lost in this vast and empty dark space of silence, it's enough to make you crazy drive a calm man straight to violence, and given the circumstance moving forward is taking a unnecessary chance, if life's really a dance than it's the funky chicken, I can't name many so that's simply the one I'm picking, so sickening that you live life intelligently only to find you've been outsmarted, and in the final moments it seems you've lived your life more than half retarted, control alt escape, then try to get restarted, repeat and then reset, it's not to late to go back to all the questions you haven't answered yet, I bet your train of thought is steady rolling down the rails, I hear a locomotive coming but the crossing guard has failed, to impact a way out this death trap it seems the answers have all set sail, but on the rail hell real as quick silver and cold steel, nobody cares how it makes you feel, makes you seem, a morphine pill begins a vivid dream, a primitive scream, nothing hip about an ape going ape shit acting all funky, nothing serious if your hearing this you just got ear raped by a monkey, I need an adult from this primate assault looking at me like it's all been my fault, I'll take a rain check before I take the blame yet again my sinful friend, and within the word friend no pretend is all the feelings I bend to hate and am willing to lend to fate, like starting a trend at the end of the end only to end up false fiction or fake.

© Xplicit Kontent