

Selfless - A tribute to My Mother
MY 101th post is dedicated to selfless mothers..

Waking up early in the morning
making breakfast for everyone
washing dirty plates isn't
work at all.

Taking care of children
always navigating if they are alright
making them choose the
right paths isn't work at all.

Sweeping the floors,dusting the
windows, removing cobwebs
cleaning washrooms isn't work
at all.

All that I do isnt work
at all, why?
because it is not the
cause of income.

People work for others
and earn money
Yes, I work for free but
I do it for my family.

But when this family says
What is the work thst you do?
What have you achieved?
What have you done for us?

All I want to say is that
even if you dont get gifts and surprises
even if you dont appreciate my work
even if you dont want to praise me

Please dont use words as
harsh and hard as stones
Please dont make me weep alone
and make me say its just because
of the onions.


My 101th post is dedicated to All selfless mothers who work for us without any complaints. They dont expect anything from us except kind words..

© Frozen Words