

Flipping coins by the river
Cherry blossom petals along the deer trail
Arrowleaf balsamroot, sunflowers, swaying
I imagine my perception of paths is limited
And bare feet walk amongst senses unknown
You could hear a twig snap
Listening has taught me how little I do
Which is both humbling and interesting
I’d encourage anyone to plant a tree
Better yet, to make friends
most of mine are dead

Wine-red carpet across the marble floor
Azalea, regalia, a palatial estate
I wonder if my double Windsor is perfect
And why everything is double-speak
I am writing about you.
As the author yarns of adventure
Which is both intriguing and terrifying
I’d encourage anyone to loosen their tie
Better yet, identify a flower
most of mine are dead


🎶 The Songbird Athletic
🎶 by Lushlife

© SK