

Shadows of Identity!

And the vibe is perplexing you towards the end of the race,
In a lonely, stony location,
Because the missing piece is bonded in a certain place,
In a faraway, poison-free constellation,
Randomness orchestrates its symphony,
Surprises lurk around every corner,
A kaleidoscope of moments, ever-changing.
One day, embraced by the warmth of fairy tales,
The next, plunged into the depths of despair,
Morning's light illuminates the path ahead,
Only to fade into the darkness of uncertainties
People drift in and out, like passing shadows,
Leaving behind fragments of shattered selves.
In the unraveling of our existence,
what do we lose?
Was the self we shed truly ours to discard?
Or a facade crafted to please,
Leaving our truths marred?
Are the sacrifices made
Worth the pieces of ourselves we choose?
With each faltering step forward,
What parts of us remain?
Do we leave behind traces of our essence
Or just hollow remains?
Was it our true essence or mere facade?
Emotions, like marionettes on strings,
Manipulated by the hands of society,
We wear masks of understanding,
While our hearts ache with unspoken pain.
With each passing moment,
We lose a piece of ourselves,
Until we stand, hollow and numb,
A mere shell of who we once were.
No longer the vibrant spirit I once knew,
Now a mere echo of what once burned bright.
Do we surrender to dependence,
Seeking solace in another's embrace?
Or do we stand alone,
Facing the void with courage and grace?
In the aftermath of departure's cruel embrace,
What pieces of ourselves remain intact?
Is it our shattered heart that bears the scars,
Or the resilience that rises from the ashes of the past?

© Inaya

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