

Judgments Echo
Deserving better I stand for myself,
I yearn to be content with one's self,
To be close to God, I pray,
While you stand there and pry, Casting dismay

My heart, in the garden of flowers,
A whittled flower that quietly weeps,
Trust splintered like fragile glass, scattered wide,
Insecure about myself by your looks,
When You just gave me a judging look

Perhaps I'm self centered sometimes,
But my heart never denies love, even in rhymes,
But you're too philosophical to undestand,
When you just stand there waiting for me to back down

All I can do is look in the mirror,
Talk positively to myself, until I become clearer,
While you stand there throwing words out of no where,
While I find solace in my own refections stare,

Tell me,
In shards of love, how do I mend this broken soul?
How I trust, in fragments tattered,
I yearn myself to be safe from pain,
Yet labeled 'NARCISSIST,' in disdain

© H.L Sanuthmee

#pain #poetry #judgement