

Lost Love
Two types of love I used to have.
Love of friends and family,
I still carry that, even though
Some of my family doesn't deserve it.
Most of them, actually.
I still love all my friends on here.
I have missed you terribly.
I don't like not being able to talk to you.
Now, for the matter at hand.
I cannot and will not carry the second love.
The love for a man.
I used to have that.
I have been shown that
Every man is out for
Number 1, himself.
I am not going to subject myself
To anymore disappointment.
No one and
Can love me the way I need to be loved.
How simple it is to love someone,
How hard it is to find someone who loves
Me back.
I am no longer looking.
I am no longer loving.
I am going to be as cold
As people have been to me.
I am not loving anymore.

© Kristin E. Porter